國發會, 台北市。 104,096 個讚 · 445 人正在談論這個 · 1,088 個打卡次。國家發展策略運籌總部 2015年起,國家發展委員會(簡稱:國發會)將在facebook與大家互動,讓意見溝通與交流更為直接、即時,盼您和國發會一同集思廣益,為台灣擘劃方向。
📢“Taiwan expects double blast of limelight as IT giants make smartwatches for world games” 📢Two Taiwanese high-tech icons and a local stored value card firm are developing a smartwatch for the Summer… 更多 Universiade, a mass sporting event that will give the host Taipei and event sponsors prized international limelight this year.... ▶ Read More at Meet https://goo.gl/tgqhZc

Taiwan expects double blast of limelight as IT giants make smartwatches for world games - Meet Startup @ TW

Watches developed by Acer, MediaTek and EasyCard for athletes at the Summer Universiade in Taipei this year can store value and track fitness.