健保署, 台北市。 179,215 個讚 · 681 人正在談論這個 · 839 個打卡次。歡迎來到衛生福利部中央健康保險署官方粉絲專頁!想獲得全民健保第一手資訊?趕快按讚加入粉絲團!辦理健保業務請多加運用健保署網站,全民健保行動快易通APP或至分區業務組臨櫃辦理
#健保署全球資訊網 英文版全新上架🥳   
為了提升手機使用者的瀏覽體驗、以及提升網頁視覺效果和易用性,健保署全球資訊英文版全新上架囉!這次改版讓英文版與中文版網頁的版型與風格一致,更方便外語使用者查詢健保資訊,也能讓國際更了解 #臺灣健保制度 的優點及成效!
🎊National Health Insurance… 更多 Administration's global Website is newly available! In order to enhance the user experience, visual effect, and accessibility of use for mobile phone users, the English website of the National Health Insurance Administration is newly available! This revision makes the layout and style of the English and Chinese web pages consistent; making it easier for foreign language speakers to search for information about Taiwan health insurance. In addition to that, it will help the international community to understand the advantages and achievements of the health insurance system of Taiwan!
Come to visit the new English Global Information website
Realize how great the internationally-renowned National Health Insurance Administration (ft. ICRT & DJ Joseph Lin)
#健保署智能客服 看這裡:http://reurl.cc/9E8nyj
  • 王碧霞