Cruise Keelung 基隆港旅客服務, 基隆市。 11,990 個讚 · 13 人正在談論這個。「基隆港旅客服務」由基隆港務分公司提供 基隆是臺灣國內最大郵輪港 因此我們格外重視旅客服務 也希望藉由此粉絲專頁 讓大家更了解郵輪旅遊、以及相關港口服務
歷經一個多月的出國深造,寶瓶星號終於自高雄港返回接替處女星號。處女星號則將於今晚空船直航上海開啟上海-日本各港的多元化航程。 處女星號今年總計36次造訪基隆港,入出境旅客達137,634人次,創歷史新高!特別的是,她首創基隆-馬尼拉-石垣島的雙母港航程,引領許多菲律賓旅客認識台灣,也讓台灣旅客首度可以一次暢遊日本及菲律賓,開啟台灣郵輪的新紀元。
期待明年能再見她芳蹤! After several… 更多 voyages out of Kaohsiung, SuperStar Aquarius returned to Keelung and will be substitute for SuperStar Virgo. Virgo will leave for Shanghai tonight and continue her diversified itineraries of Japan.
SuperStar Virgo visited Keelung Port for 36 times in 2018 and made a best record of 137,634 pax counts during her operation at Keelung in the recent years. Especially, her brand new itinerary of Keelung-Manila-Ishigaki brought a lot of Filipino to Taiwan and made Taiwanese visit Japan & Manila in an easy way. See you !
  • 韓筱惠
    哈哈 跑太快了啦,處女先跑?現在是寶瓶?可惜來不及追