Cruise Keelung 基隆港旅客服務, 基隆市。 11,990 個讚 · 13 人正在談論這個。「基隆港旅客服務」由基隆港務分公司提供 基隆是臺灣國內最大郵輪港 因此我們格外重視旅客服務 也希望藉由此粉絲專頁 讓大家更了解郵輪旅遊、以及相關港口服務
#大家看看這樣的設計跟您認知的一般郵輪碼頭有什麼相同或不同的吧… 更多
Passengers taking mega cruise ships to visit Tokyo will find they are actually berthed at Port of Yokohama. Unlike Taipei, Tokyo has her own port. Why should the mega cruise ships be berthed at Yokohama rather than Tokyo? The problem is the cruise ships which would like to approach the present cruise terminals in Port of Tokyo have to pass Rainbow Bridge. The air clearance of the bridge is not enough for the mega cruise ships. In order to welcome the large cruise and make it easier for passengers to access Tokyo, the new cruise terminal will be launched at the eve of 2020 Olympic Game. Let's have a glance at the specs of the new cruise terminal!

(The promotional video) The Port of Tokyo New Cruise Terminal

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is planning to construct a new cruise terminal in Tokyo Waterfront City by 2020 in order to accommodate the largest cruise ...