Frank Chang
委員謝謝您大力地幫助否則又與世隔絕!上次國民黨總統選舉應該有幫到忙吧!因為宋省長也認識所以我決定到美國發展--張萬曾永遠… 更多記得您的大恩大德--莫齒難忘.應該是美軍空軍,將軍將於零晨把我接到美國--時間近期應該是11月16日最慢;確定日子再與您報告--Thank you very much for you was introduced the brillent singer,Jolin to me on here I try to tell her:To find your Mr,Right as soon as possible; As to get merried soon and do not wait for me because I find my real one in the USA!