北部院區開放時間:第一展覽區(正館、兒童學藝中心 ),週二至週日9:00至17:00,週一休館。 ◆網站(北部院區):www.npm.gov.tw ◆網站(南部院區):south.npm.gov.tw   No. 221, Section 2, ZhìShàn Rd,,, 臺北市 111
展期:特別展覽 2017/05/16~ 2018/07/29
陳列室: S203 專題展廳
分享 國立故宮博物院南部院區 Southern Branch of National Palace Museum──覺得好美。
印度 嵌金絲單柄大罐 <br> Indian Large Pot with Gold Inlay and Handle 360度美型零死角的秘密~… 更多 這件大罐以青灰色玉雕琢而成,把柄浮雕成捲葉形狀。罐身表面雖未雕琢紋飾,但工藝師以閃閃發亮的金絲嵌飾出花葉圖案,為這件大罐增添華麗丰采。除了視覺上的吸睛效果外,更令人嘆為觀止的是,大部份的金絲還雕琢成與器身表面同高,明明是異材質的鑲嵌,卻彷彿是平滑表面,應該就是乾隆皇帝詠嘆「鑲金釘寶撫無跡」的境界啊! 而若抬起罐身,我們還會發現到一朵造型優雅細緻的花兒在底部悄悄地盛放,充分顯露出工藝師的絕美巧思呢。 🤔不過,最美的花怎麼會雕刻在底部呢? 🙋‍♀️這樣一來,拿起罐子時,旁人無論從甚麼角度都能欣賞到優美的一面,360度美型大罐非它莫屬~ Large pot carved from grey jade with bluish-green hue. The carved decoration is restricted to the handle, carved in relief into a curling leaf, and the base, which is carved in relief with lotus flower with evenly spaced petals. The rest of the surface area is adorned with the inlaid gold thread with diverse floral motifs. Apart from the inlay on the inside of the mouth and in the handle, which is raised from the surface, the majority of the inlay is flush with the jade surface and exhibits marks left behind by the scarping technique used. The gold thread has come away in places, revealing clean grooves. #策展人觀點 <br> #來自天方的仙工─南亞美玉特展<br> #粉絲們快來2樓服務臺兌換紀念品唷