陳其邁 Chen Chi-Mai, 高雄市。 572,962 個讚 · 32,081 人正在談論這個。 ⚡緊拚市政 市民專線:1999 市長信箱:https://soweb.kcg.gov.tw/#/report
WHO Cares, TAIWAN Cares 美麗的小女孩因為台灣的醫療專業,獲得重生的機會。
她以天真的微笑表達對台灣的感恩。 請跟我們一起,強烈支持台灣加入WHA,台灣不應被遺忘!
請熱烈轉傳! This beautiful girl is alive today thanks to Taiwan’s medical professions. Her way of showing gratitude is… 更多 with genuine smiles! Please joing us in an effort to voice strong support for Taiwan's WHA participation. Leave no one behind!
Please forward this to everyone you know! https://youtu.be/UeJxj4vhwUw

Second Chance - 最好的禮物

This child is alive today thanks to Taiwan’s compassion and medical magic. Taiwan is more than an amazing health care system, a hub of cutting-edge medical t...