經濟部中小企業處, 台北市。 75,505 個讚 · 1,076 人正在談論這個 · 1,172 個打卡次。瞭解.關心.服務.尊重 願景 : 中小企業創業成長發展的園地 組織定位 : 中小企業創業成長的後盾,迅速有效整合資源,提升競爭力
【創業大冒險】登登~專為女性開設的創業知能課程來囉!!! 今年全台共開設24場免費的女性創業知能課程,包含經營管理、政府創業貸款及補助、創業募資等多樣化主題,補充妳的滿滿創業能量❤️ 課程特色還有:
✨課後創業諮詢 … 更多 歡迎想要創業、已有創業想法或是已經創業的妳一同參加!
立即報名👉 https://reurl.cc/GdL1rA 【Startup Adventure】2021 Women Entrepreneurship Courses is OPEN NOW! ! ! Total 24 free courses will be offered across Taiwan this year. Diversified topic include Business Management , Government start-up loans and grants and Rising Startup Capital. Course features :
✨Connect local entrepreneurial resources
✨Sharing with Entrepreneur ambassadors
✨Group discussion and hand-on exercises
✨Post-courses advice on starting a business Welcome to join us if you are a woman, and want to start a business, have an idea for a business or have already started a business.❤️ Register now👉 https://reurl.cc/GdL1rA