關務署臺北關, 桃園市桃園區。 3,349 個讚 · 34 人正在談論這個 · 1,344 個打卡次。財政部關務署臺北關,24小時全年無休辦裡空運客貨通關作業。如有任何通關業務問題,請至本關官網留言。 路徑:便民服務/互動專區/關務論壇or便民服務/互動專區/各類信箱/關務長電子信箱
恭禧 Air Canada 加拿大航空哦^^
分享 桃園國際機場 Taoyuan International Airport
睽違14年的加拿大航空公司在今天開航囉~由波音787執飛每日從桃園機場往返溫哥華的定期航班,機身塗裝以加拿大為主題,駕駛艙窗戶俏皮的黑色面具,取自加拿大的「潛鳥」是不是很特別呢? Air Canada has inaugurated daily non-stop flight from Vancouver to Taipei since today. This route was operated by Boeing… 更多 787, the livery painting was inspired by Canada with black and white elements; besides, the cockpit windows painted with black, which looks like wearing a mask, this idea was inspired by Canada common loon.