農委會37特蒐隊。 16,487 個讚 · 1 人正在談論這個。你是否也和我一樣,有著說不完的動人際遇,藏著各地的微笑故事。歡迎來到這裏,與我一同發掘、傳遞別人不知道的台灣之美!!
http://www.facebook.com/media/set/fbx/?set=a.218035048207739.77017.116190198392225 有人吃過朱錦花嗎?怎麼吃?請舉手告訴隊長~
分享 ICRT Dim Sum Cafe 在 Plum-Scented Breeze 相簿中新增了 78 張相片。
Join us this Saturday as we go grocery shopping in Kaohsiung - and be ready to salivate as we take you to a quiet little plum farm up in the mountains in Namasia 那瑪夏! (Fasten your seatbelt - Alex had a cup of strong black coffee before recording the show. We'll be charging at warp speed!)