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來到台北旅行的你,卻不知道該從何開始你的旅程嗎? 那你一定要看看「14件來台北必做的事情」。除了台灣有名的夜市外,你一定要造訪全台最高建築「台北101」,欣賞台灣最美的夜景。快跟著華文網來看看吧!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHWo0pU6zdw When you arrive in Taipei on a trip, you probably won’t know where… 更多 to go. You should see “14 Can’t-Miss Things to do in Taipei”. In addition to its famous night markets, you should visit the tallest building in Taiwan, Taipei 101, to enjoy Taiwan’s best night view. Come and take a look with HuayuWorld.org! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHWo0pU6zdw

14 Things to Do in Taipei, Taiwan (Best Travel Attractions)

14 Things to do in Taipei, Taiwan There are so many Taipei attractions and things to do while visiting. Taipei weather is tropical and makes it enjoyable to ...