經濟部中小企業處, 台北市。 75,505 個讚 · 1,076 人正在談論這個 · 1,172 個打卡次。瞭解.關心.服務.尊重 願景 : 中小企業創業成長發展的園地 組織定位 : 中小企業創業成長的後盾,迅速有效整合資源,提升競爭力
【創業大冒險】2020台灣新創生態圈大調查 起跑📣 來自新創企業的第一手回饋,
是促進我國新創生態圈協力發展的重要關鍵! ⭕️號召創業夥伴共同投入,用15分鐘表達新創的發展需求
🎁快來填問卷,送超夯防疫小禮物🎁 ➤調查對象:正在籌備創業或公司設立5年內之新創企業… 更多
➤手刀填問卷 https://reurl.cc/WdEDxk
➤限時募集至 109年5月16日(星期六) 18:00止 【2020 Taiwan Startup Ecosystem Survey】
The survey is designed to provide a better understanding of the local start-up landscape, the major challenges faced by entrepreneurs and the development of startup resources in Taiwan. Entrepreneurs who are actively starting a business or have established companies less than 5 years are invited to participate in the survey. Your Opinion Matters!
Please take 15 minutes to complete the questionnaire by May 16 and we will send you a gift!
Survey link:https://reurl.cc/WdEDxk
Thank you for your time. Your responses are greatly appreciated and will help inform government advocacy efforts moving forward. #經濟部中小企業處