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三十六計是什麼呢? 所謂的三十六計就是指三十六句成語,而這些成語都是出自有名的歷史故事。在台灣生活的你或許 一點都不會陌生,因為這些成語常會出現在我們日常生活當中。透過三十六則成語故事,學習古人的人生智慧,在做人處世上,對我們會有很大的幫助。
是否開始好奇是哪三十六則成語故事了呢? 一起跟華語文學習網來看看吧!點選Link就能進到電子書頁面,邊聽邊看,學習更有效率。
What are the 36 strategies? The 36 strategies are 36 phrases from famous history stories.… 更多 You won’t feel unfamiliar because these phrases are heard in our daily life in Taiwan. We will learn the wisdom from our ancestors from these phrases.
Are you curious about what these 36 stories are? Follow e-Learning Portal for Chinese Education and click on the link that will guide you to the e-book. Learning gets more efficient by listening and reading the stories together.