國民健康署, 台北市。 272,390 個讚 · 1,028 人正在談論這個 · 923 個打卡次。國民健康署參與您人生各階段的預防保健💪服務,陪伴在您的身旁💞,手(守)🤚護國民、促進健康,讓健康屬於你,讓我們一起分享健康,分享愛💟
昨天另外一組Global Health Forum的貴賓則參觀了香火鼎盛的龍山寺,感受了在地文化裡台灣民眾的宗教信仰,一起雙手合十為自己與親人的健康祈福;接著來到了歷史悠久,充滿以多樣化乾貨及草藥著名的大稻埕,一起了解台北商業的興衰和歷史,一起跟著照片看看旅程中的點滴吧^^
分享 Global Health Forum in Taiwan
Basked in the tendrils of incense smoke, while taking in the murmurs of prayers, guests tour the historical Longshan Temple and experience Taiwanese people's religious beliefs. The worshippers pray for the… 更多 blessings of wellbeing and health for themselves and their loved ones. At the historical district of Dadaocheng, guests receive a guided tour around the oldest commercial district in Taipei, and are given a comprehensive course on the history of Taipei and Taiwan. Guests are also highly interested in the myriad selection of dry goods and herbal remedies that the district is famous for.