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昨天Global Health Forum的各國貴賓參觀了國立故宮博物院,了解過往的歷史故事以及中國藝術品和古董;也參訪了臺北 101 大樓,體驗從臺灣第一高樓鳥瞰台北美景的感受,一起來看看這段旅程的精采留影吧^^
分享 Global Health Forum in Taiwan
Blast from the Past the guests visit the National palace museum and are blown away by the history and stories exhibited through the greatest collection of Chinese artworks and antiques. They swing by the Taipei… 更多 101 afterwards to experience a ride in the fastest elevator of the world. They take in a birds-eye view of Taipei from the tallest building in Taiwan. The guests vow to come back at the earliest opportunity.