林靜儀醫師 溫柔堅定新中二。 203,687 個讚 · 20,400 人正在談論這個。政治工作者,臨床醫師,斜槓寫作與國際醫療、性別平等
日內瓦辦事處外交晚宴英文致詞稿 Remarks by Legislator Lin Ching-yi Minister Chen;
Honorable legislators and ministers;
Excellencies ambassadors;
Distinguished guests;
Ladies and gentlemen:… 更多 Good evening! It is a great honor to attend this welcome reception hosted by the Taipei Cultural and Economic Delegation, Geneva Office on the occasion of the 70th World Health Assembly, and to be here with you all, speaking up for Taiwan’s continued participation in and contributions to global health security. Taiwan has cultivated public health expertise for decades, and long promoted bilateral health projects in cooperation with diplomatic allies. Taiwan agriculture team help to improve the nutrition by import… 更多