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🗨️ #APEC2018 #雙部長記者會💬
分享 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan)
【#APEC2018 雙部長記者會紀要🎥】 After the APEC Papua New Guinea 2018 Closing Ministerial Meeting, our representatives to the meeting, Minister without Portfolio John Deng and Minister Chen Mei-ling of the National… 更多 Development Council, held a press conference 👩‍💻👨‍💻to give the public a progress report on the discussions centering around #FemaleEmpowerment, #China-#US trade issues, #ClimateChange 🌏, the right to #Healthcare, and fair and free trade. Most of those present were reported to be impressed 😯 with Taiwan's efforts in these areas. 在昨天的 #雙部長會議 中,我們看到了 #鄧振中 政務委員和 國發會 #陳美伶 主委跟各與會代表互動熱絡💞~ 在會後的記者會,兩位代表更進一步透露會議中討論的多項議題,包括 #中美貿易、#公正公平自由貿易、#包容性成長、#數位經濟、#婦女賦權 🙋‍♀️、#氣候變遷 和 #醫療人權 等等,多到小編攏袂赴記啦...😵 但打3顆星的重點⭐⭐⭐小編可沒漏掉,那就是 #臺灣 在這些領域的努力成果,普遍獲得與會代表們的高度肯定唷~ 相關貼文回顧 👀 https://reurl.cc/ZG3OA #HarnessingInclusiveOpportunities #EmbracingTheDigitalFuture #DigitalEconomy #給臺灣按讚 👍