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分享 Dream Cruises
Genting Dream is floating out! 夢之下水過程! 335米長、40米寬、排水量超過15萬噸的巨輪是如何離開德國Meyer Werft船廠的船塢?是這樣的:船塢注水完畢後,#星夢郵輪 #雲頂夢號 在拖船的牽引下,從造船大廳緩緩駛出!這一天終於如期而至,馬上睇相感受現場壯觀下水過程! How could a megaship with a tonnage of more than… 更多 150,000 tons, that measures 335 meters in length and 40 meters in width, leave the building dock of German shipyard Meyer Werft? Here is the answer: following the admission of seawater to the dry dock, #DreamCruises #GentingDream was floated; she then slowly left the building dock while being pulled by a tugboat.<br> She will be berthed alongside the shipyard's outfitting pier after more tests are carried out in the harbour.<br> These photos capture key moments of this exciting float-out process – enjoy!