愛信任-劉世芳, 高雄市。 73,167 個讚 · 2,099 人正在談論這個。謝謝大家支持, 世芳一本初衷為大家發聲! [免費法律諮詢] 每周一 晚間7點開始諮詢(請先來電預約) 高雄市左營區明誠二路402號 07-5566813 IG: instagram.com/shyhfangliu
  • Edward Chiou
    The election of Parliament speaker will be held early… 更多 February(二月國會龍頭選舉). In the DPP camp there are three potential candidates(民進黨陣營三位有潛力的候選人參與). However, all campaign activities are under the surface(所有競選活動在檯面下) to avoid the TV spotlight. Negotiations and compromises are simmering(談判和妥協正在蘊釀). Remembered the election of the Assembly Speaker of Tainan Municipality (記得臺南市議會龍頭選舉) which elected Mr. Lee Chuan Qiao of KMT as the Speaker(國民黨李全教當選議會龍頭), despite the DPP hold the majority(即使民進黨佔多數). Obviously some renegade DPP members sided with KMT(很明顯的 一些民進黨叛軍投靠國民黨). DPP has been vividly remembered the disaster of December 2014 (民進黨 2014 的災難記憶猶新). Therefore as of this moment DPP party rank and file watched nervously over the current events evolved, lest something unexpected happens(在這一刻 民進黨團緊張地看事件發展, 免得不測事故發生).