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【邀澤倫斯基演講 蘇貞昌要國會「先行動」】究竟台灣有沒有機會邀請澤倫斯基呢?
  • Eric Vun
    @{Keyen Chen|keyen.chen} lol, just like how you travelled the world but has nothing to show for it only your ignorance and stupidity. Stop slapping your own face with every opportunity arises. Keep making a fool of yourself.
  • Keyen Chen
    @{Eric Vun} Studying abroad has nothing to show. It is also just a Chinese and Malaysian mixed leper dog
  • Eric Vun
    @{Keyen Chen|keyen.chen} lmao, now you are acting like your know me. Idiotic dimwit, please learn not to make any assumptions during any arguments lol. Use facts like I did. You travelled the world and you think I didn’t lmao? Not that I need to prove myself, I actually studied overseas unlike you lmao. Jog off, useless garbage.
  • Keyen Chen
    @{Eric Vun} Is it? Your salary is not enough for me to raise a dog and buy dog food. I also travel the world. Which countries have you been to! Chinese Malaysian mixed leper dog . .
  • Keyen Chen
    @{Eric Vun} 中國豬就中國豬.還要假裝馬來西亞豬.還是馬來西亞癩皮狗!
  • Keyen Chen
    @{Eric Vun} Facebook . youtube often sees China running to African countries with a little money . or to poor and backward countries - Malaysia . Vietnam . Laos . It's ridiculous to pretend to be a local tycoon! Seriously, when I first came to China more than 20 years ago, the situation in China was the same as theirs. There are no doors in the toilet. You can also chat with the other side. But we were all on the hotel. Hahaha!
  • Eric Vun
    @{Keyen Chen|keyen.chen} morning dumb dog useless gigolo, you are just direct translating the rubbish you posted above lmao. Like I said, if you have nothing better to say then suck some cocks and shut up. Keep on repeating the same shit over and over again
  • Keyen Chen
    @{Eric Vun} Pathetic! China. Malaysia is a third-rate country with low GDP per capita. life. Little Pink, whose medical level is very poor, can only climb the wall out to brag about what you will do . Beware of Wuhan pneumonia waiting for you....
  • Eric Vun
    @{Keyen Chen|keyen.chen} what kinda broken English is this. To think you idiots admired the American culture so much, you would think you idiots should at least know the language. Turned out you guys don’t. Just a bunch of losers
  • Keyen Chen
    @{Eric Vun} What are you capable of saying come and listen. Little pink
  • Eric Vun
    @{Keyen Chen|keyen.chen} seriously? Try some other shit to throw at me. It’s like you think resorting to repeating wuhan virus will make your case stand lmao. You are just an ignorant old man waiting to be removed from human world
  • Keyen Chen
    @{Eric Vun} Chinese virus Wuhan pneumonia. It's just to laugh at you
  • Eric Vun
    @{Keyen Chen|keyen.chen} 一直重复这句,是不是词穷?当初念多点书就不至于现在丢人现眼了。You are unbelievable. How do you live with yourself daily for being that ignorant
  • Keyen Chen
    @{Eric Vun} 是喔!中國病毒武漢肺炎的
  • Eric Vun
    @{Keyen Chen|keyen.chen} 呆湾人说水准啊?呆湾人都井底蛙呢。5年给多你了,还50呢。
  • Keyen Chen
    @{Eric Vun} 你要小心點.馬來西亞.中國可是疫情氾濫.醫療水準低落的國家.至於我還早呢!溫和的人可是長壽的.至少還有50年
  • Eric Vun
    @{Keyen Chen|keyen.chen} 是中国病毒就好了,可以加速时间带你走😂
  • Eric Vun
    @{Keyen Chen|keyen.chen} 当然说你啊。年纪大了不要那么火爆哦,怕你加快进度😂
  • Keyen Chen
    @{Eric Vun} 中國病毒武漢肺炎是俄羅斯-支那省的
  • Keyen Chen
    @{Eric Vun} 你說你喔!
  • Eric Vun
    @{Keyen Chen|keyen.chen} 祝福早日归西
  • Keyen Chen
    @{Eric Vun} 祝福:中國病毒武漢肺炎回歸中國.擁抱香港.馬來西亞
  • Eric Vun
  • 劉政華