高嘉瑜。 321,765 個讚 · 15,385 人正在談論這個。台北市議員 北一女 台大法律系、國發所 台大學生會會長 最年輕國大代表 07年立委大安區提名 08年逆風行腳 民進黨籍立委助理 台灣智庫研究專員 台灣之友會青年部主任
✨ AIT和嘉瑜將合體推出系列直播 直播將邀請台美各界大神,揭露科技抗疫、台美合作秘辛,直播中也會開放線上問答,將於每周三晚上8點在AIT及嘉瑜臉書開播!敬請期待!不見不散! #StriveTogetherThriveTogether #USTaiwanCooperationOnCOVID19 #TaiwanModel
#共同努力共同得益… 更多 The COVID-19 pandemic has devastated communities around the world. It has also given rise to innovation that will continue to shape our society even after the pandemic has been contained. AIT and Legislator Kao Chia-yu are teaming up to showcase American and Taiwanese innovators applying their work or study experience in the United States to improve crisis response. The series will livestream on Facebook every Wednesday at 8:00 pm. We hope you’ll tune in!