蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen 。 2,984,644 個讚 · 57,610 人正在談論這個。「台灣的好,不應該輕易被擊倒。當新時代已經敲門,我們必須把門打開,讓世界看見台灣的好。」
Even amidst rapidly changing international circumstances and the ongoing global pandemic, the determination of Taiwanese people to engage with the world remains unchanged.
Today I presided over swearing-in… 更多 ceremonies for new senior government officials and overseas representatives, including experienced diplomats and experts in international affairs such as Lee Ying-yuan and Hsiao Bi-khim. They will all be posted abroad, working on the front lines of Taiwan diplomacy. They have my best wishes, and our full support!
今天,我主持了新任政務人員及駐外大使的宣誓典禮。包括 李應元 和 蕭美琴 在內,有好幾位資深的外交官,以及中生代的國際事務人才,都將啟程外派,到外交的第一線為台灣打拚。祝福大家,加油!
  • Markus Kälin
    Democracy - one of the most important philosophies for a country's population. Go ahead!