王定宇。 305,189 個讚 · 20,210 人正在談論這個。政治人物
昨日接受獨立的雙語媒體the news lens(關鍵評論網)訪問,討論這次大選敗選和後續問題,先附上英文部分。 https://international.thenewslens.com/article/109140

INTERVIEW: DPP Legislator Wang Ting-yu on Reforming the DPP - The News Lens International Edition

The DPP will apply a new broom to sweep clean the top rank of ministers come January.
  • JianJhih Huang
    If this interview is aimed for foreign readers, it is more… 更多 important to make it clear that the results of this election do not exactly reflect how people in Taiwan think of the PROC and do not demonstrate a skewing of TW people's mind toward unification with the PROC. Unfortunately, it was not mentioned.