㊣ NSTM 科工粉絲專頁 ㊣科工館除多元的應用科學類展示廳及豐富的體驗設施,更包含戶外大型公園綠地與休憩空間。歡迎觀眾闔家蒞臨與我們一同趣味玩科學、體驗科普創意。 80765 高雄市三民區九如一路720號
Science and Technology International Cooperation—an Exhibition of Achievements
Check in for special gift- Chinese New Year special event
Date: Feb 1st-10th 2019 (Closed on Feb 4th-5th)
Venue: 3rd Exhibition… 更多 Hall (2F) Please follow these steps to get special gift:
1. Visit the exhibition and don’t forget to take some photos.
2. Check into the "National Science and Technology Museum(國立科學工藝博物館)" on Facebook or Instagram, and add both comment and photo to your check-in.
3. Hashtag "#Science and Technology International Cooperation—an Exhibition of Achievements (科技援外成果展)" and "#National Science and Technology Museum(國立科學工藝博物館)" in your check-in post.
4. Be sure to share the photo publicly.
Show the screen to the exhibition staff to confirm. Then you can get two packages of Nicaragua and Honduras specialty drip bag coffee! Notice:
The coffees are limited offer, so one single Facebook (or Instagram) account can only receive once.
NSTM reserves the right for alteration of the event.