壯遊體驗學習網, 台北市。 63,690 個讚 · 15 人正在談論這個。壯遊體驗學習網(youthtravel.tw/)為教育部青年發展署建置的網站,提供青年壯遊體驗學習活動與服務相關資訊,鼓勵青年認識鄉土,行遍臺灣。
The 5th Youth Trekkers & Working Holiday Campaign The Youth Trekkers Wanted Campaign, which is widely loved by international youth backpackers primarily aged between 18-30 years old, is back again! From today… 更多 until October 8th, 2012, 12:00 p.m. (Taiwan Standard Time), if you are the international youths between 18-30 years old, with passion in travelling and sharing can participate in the Working Holiday Contest or Taiwan Trek Contest and you will gain the opportunity for the awards of $2,000 USD or $3,000 USD. Creativity is highly encouraged! Participants that forward the campaign information to friends will gain the opportunity for a round trip flight ticket to Taiwan or voucher!
Here we go, Taiwan Trek! Let’s be friends!