Month: 2022-03

文章 留言
時間:2022-03-05 17:30
在新加坡,運毒的最高刑法是死刑,但如果運毒者是智能不足者呢? 2009年,一名21歲的馬來西亞印度裔男子納根在入境新加坡時,被發現身上藏有42.72克的海洛因,最終被判死刑。根據診斷,納根不僅被認定智商為IQ 69(低於常人85至115的平均智商),同時也患有注意力不足過動症(ADHD)... 這些診斷狀況意味著這會影響、左右納根當下的判斷,即他或許不清楚自己「正在運毒」,也不一定了解運毒將會為他招致什麼「嚴重後果」。
Your (this) article is even lower in IQ.

If those “low IQ” Malaysian customs, immigration and excise departments and AADK, do their job and stop those drug traffickers before they reach Singapore, none of this will happen.

Or perhaps just like Taiwan variety of different kind of drugs are easily available to the adolescent on the streets?

I suggest you to write an article on how serious are drugs abuse on Taiwan too.