Month: 2022-03

文章 留言
時間:2022-03-02 10:00
時間:2022-03-02 13:26
今天,美國參謀首長聯席會議穆倫(Michael Glenn Mullen)前主席率團來訪。在全球密切關注烏克蘭情勢的此刻,拜登總統( President Joe Biden )指派跨黨派資深代表團來台,不僅是對台美夥伴關係的重視,更展現台美關係的「堅若磐石」。 更重要的是,這凸顯了台灣在國際、區域安全上的角色,以及國際民主社群必須更加的緊密團結。… 更多 上週,俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭,造成許多平民無辜傷亡、流離失所,也嚴重危害世界和平秩序。 對於侵略行為,台灣作為國際社會的一員,除了表達嚴厲的譴責、參與對俄羅斯實施經濟制裁的國際行動,我們對烏克蘭的人道救援,也在前天正式啟動。 我們所做的這一切,就是要堅定地表達,台灣和烏克蘭站在一起,和自由民主站在一起。只要有助於國際社會的和平安全,有助於區域的穩定繁榮,台灣都會善盡國際責任,都願意和所有國家一起投注努力。 尤其,烏克蘭人民捍衛自由民主的信念,以及挺身奮戰,保護自己國家的決心,讓身處民主前線的台灣人民感同身受。 因為歷史經驗告訴我們,對侵略行為冷眼姑息,就是為自己製造更多的威脅,這是全球民主國家團結的時刻,台灣也不能夠缺席。 當前,中國對台海以及區域的軍事威脅持續升高,不論是打壓台灣的國際空間,或者是透過認知作戰、操作錯假訊息,來分化台灣內部、侵蝕我們的民主,這些動作沒有一天停止。 然而,台灣人民從來沒有因此放棄堅持。 相反的,我們投入更多的努力來守護國家,包括發展自主的國防,強化不對稱戰力,並且鞏固國民的心防,防範認知作戰的分化,讓台灣成為一個更具韌性的民主之島。 台灣要告訴全世界,我們有堅定的自我防衛的決心,也會守護我們民主自由的生活方式。 區域的穩定安全,從來都不是單一國家的課題,烏克蘭危機告訴我們,民主國家間的相互合作和積極作為至為關鍵。 今天,我也感謝拜登政府,以實際行動,依據《台灣關係法》以及「六項保證」,履行對台灣的安全承諾,協助台灣強化自我防衛的能力。拜登政府上任後批准了兩項軍售案,以及代表團的到來,就是最明顯的例證。 堅守在民主前線的台灣,不只是美國的重要夥伴,更是最值得信賴的夥伴,而擁有更多國際支持與參與的台灣,將會更具韌性,對世界的自由和美好,會有更多的貢獻。 我們期待,台美的夥伴關係能夠更加緊密,一起為印太區域、為全世界的和平穩定以及繁榮發展,做出更多的貢獻。
@{Patrick Au|100010328326376} really? I don’t force you to support Russia . I just hope ppl can see things from different aspects.. US and NATO can just simply reject Ukraine to joint NATO.. and the war ended. US is the main culprit to cause all the wars.

After the collapse of the USSR on December 26, 1991
RUSSIA had an agreement with NATO that the former member states of the former USSR, including Ukraine, should not join NATO.
Unfortunately, since the early 2000s, NATO and the United States were the first to violate this treaty by allowing these countries of the former USSR to be part of the Atlantic alliance.
Note that a NATO member country may have a military base and American intelligence services on its soil.
Given the urgency RUSSIA since 2007 began to feel threatened by the American presence a few km from these borders. So She informed Westerners that the red line not to be crossed is to allow Ukraine to join NATO.
You should know that RUSSIA shares nearly 3000 km of borders with Ukraine. So to accept that Ukraine enters NATO is to allow the United States 🇺🇲 to settle directly on its borders, which is not normal in terms of geopolitics.
In addition, if RUSSIA🇷🇺 accepts that Ukraine which is manipulated by Western powers joins NATO, it would be its end.
Vladimir Putin, knowing the danger, took the lead just to protect his population from the American threat.

Unfortunately the international media will never give this version because their mission is to demonize Putin. According to them, he's the bad guy, yet it's quite the opposite.
@{Patrick Au|100010328326376}
@{洪健益|ryoudo} what about Ukraine committed a genocide taking 14 thousand Russian civilian deaths during 8 years in dombas. ? Where is the democracy n human right? If you to blame Russia n you need to blame Ukraine as well