Month: 2015-09

文章 留言
時間:2015-09-10 16:40
桃園機場有超過28個主題候機室,現在又有一個新的主題候機室與大家見面囉! 位於第二航廈C1,以音樂為主軸設計的臺灣音悅候機室,利用黑膠造型及大耳機營造音樂的現代感,介紹台灣多元文化及生命力對音樂史的影響,同時也展示金曲生活記事回顧牆,帶你進入一趟金曲音樂輕旅行~現場更設有點歌機,讓等待上機的旅客可以到此放鬆體驗一番! Do you know there is a new musical themed lounge… 更多 near gate C1 at Taoyuan International Airport? A huge vinyl and headphone will immediately catch your eye while you enter this lounge. It features magnificent moments of the Golden Melody Awards and a jukebox that can bring you back to the past with classic melodies. “Taiwan Music Waiting Lounge” welcomes you to join this delightful journey of music!
#Taoyuanairport #T2 #C1 #Taiwanmusic
@{桃園國際機場 Taoyuan International Airport|TIAfans} hope you put updates too… 更多 on @{LINE Global|line.worldwide} @{LINE Taiwan- 再LINE一下|taiwan.line} for updates? its for suggestion :)