Month: 2022-03

文章 留言
時間:2022-03-03 08:35
大家早安!稍後十點,我將在總統府內,頒授美國前國務卿龐培歐(Mike Pompeo)「特種大綬景星勳章」,感謝他對提升台美關係的卓著貢獻。歡迎大家一起加入直播,也幫我分享出去!
The Desire to kill me from European prosecutors under system of law , his dangerous for Europe justice progress. How do we get to the point, the way Europe prosecutors lie distract everyone including block me of having my own Anthony general lawyer to defend myself.
The Eu Law was acting love , but wicked inside.
I do knowledge collectively they intentionally to kill me from beginning.
For that reason they used those mistrous processes.
The European LAW didn't make mistakes.
They were collectively LIE using false accusations information. To investigate me because of they power .
They distract blacks people with lie. They were brought indigenous to assist them to get me killed.
Indeed his any LAW protects me ? As a human beings. Is any law protected my human rights. It's possible to say the authority have immunity over an adult man . Without killing of spy European.
That mirth from European authorities it's injustice. They using law to favor themselves. It's 10 years known) they have invaded me . Without any explanation or allowed me to live a normal life.
People of Europe I didn't come to Europe to spy them.
And they his know any indication of me cheated them any country.
That is injustice for European to used excuse of investigation to investigate me to invading me. If any witnesses from Nigeria or some where have evidence that I have spy European. They should precent it.
Why collectively are punish me , why evil sprite attack form old people ethnic. Why assignations.
Why using postion of authority to judgment me . I have satisfied them by silent for 8 years. Where is my human rights why is report from them regarding the investigation. I'm decent man not fools.