Month: 2021-08

文章 留言
時間:2021-08-01 10:00

在中興新村多處都有矮仙丹的蹤跡,原省府大樓前左側綠地以及後方的梅園,都可見到它的身影,有的造型像極了可愛的甜甜圈,號稱夏天版的繡球花 😍

#疫情期間線上植栽小旅行 #中興新村活化
When a modified md-80 airliner flew at the 1988 Farnborough air… 更多 show in Britain, it was supposed to represent the future of air travel. One of its rear-mounted jet engines had been replaced with an unusual form of propulsion. This consisted of two rings of short propeller-like blades mounted in the open air, immediately behind the jet housing and spinning in opposite directions. Some called it a propfan, others an unducted fan or open rotor. Whatever the name, many said it marked the return of the propeller for large passenger aircraft.

It was not to be. Although the propfan promised a big reduction in fuel consumption the engine failed to enter commercial service, mostly because oil prices… 更多