Month: 2018-12

文章 留言
時間:2018-12-13 09:34
#CruiseKeelung白色饗宴第二波抽獎活動來囉🎉🎉🎉 基隆港與公主遊輪一同邀請乳癌病友協會姐妹登上鑽石公主號走秀圓夢。每位身著白紗的姊妹都像名模在伸展台上散發堅毅與自信✨台下的參與者也能感受到滿滿的正面能量! 即日起至12/25(二)中午12:00,只要「公開」分享本篇文章,讓更多未能親臨現場的朋友感受這股正面能量,就有機會再抽中公主遊輪及基隆港的紀念小禮喔~🎁
#… 更多上次沒中的這次就是你了 #The 2nd round Lucky Draw Port of Keelung and Princess Cruises invited the princesses with breast cancer to walk the runway on Diamond Princess today. Every runway model wearing the wedding dress looked resolute and confident and all the attendants were infected with the positive vibes. Please shared the post publicly by Dec.25 and you’ll be entered into the prize draw.