Month: 2018-12

文章 留言
時間:2018-12-28 17:35
中時電子報12月28日報導:【日本記者本田善彥:民進黨種族主義表露無遺】 本田善彥指出「...民進黨的種族主義矛頭往往對著『中國』,問題是,『中國』不限定於對岸的中共政權,同時也涵蓋了中國大陸的人與事、台灣的『這個國家』本身以及國民黨和其支持者,甚至包括了台灣傳統的『中國性(傳統漢人文化等)』。這樣的自我否定結構自然導致自我虛無化思維,走到最後當然免不了引發自我解體危機,這是必然邏輯。」 《亞洲週刊》韓流·這個國家·解體懸念本田善彥

韓柯終將一戰, 韓必勝柯必败 Ko knows the only person can beat him in 2020 is… 更多 Han, therefore, he won't make an announcement for the 2020 presidential run until June, meaning after KMT and DPP have already announced their candidates, and making sure Han is not running. The best strategy for KMT is to use Han as the checkmate. Please do not make announcement until Ko has officially announced his bid. "Having enough time to prepare" will NOT be the factor to win this election, but "who" and "when to announce" are the critical factors. KMT must wait until Ko-P makes his announcement first. If Ko runs, KMT has no choice but calls for Han to represent KMT to run. If Ko is not running (which purely contingent… 更多