Month: 2022-03

文章 留言
時間:2022-03-08 10:38
婦女節,愛惜每一個妳❤️ 今天是3月8日 #國際婦女節,無論在職場、在家庭、在社會,都非常感謝在每一個位置的女性朋友付出與奉獻。尊重並愛惜每一個獨一無二的妳,在追求權利自主平等的路上我們持續努力。秀寳祝福妳,婦女節快樂🌹
Mohammed Bin Salman is Still Experiencing Clinical Death

May Allaah's peace be upon whoever is searching for the truth in the whole world. And I give you a ruling with truth and Allaah is witnessing from the top of his heaven that his Royal Highness the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman is experiencing clinical death, and they will never be able to turn my supporters away by dramatic performances until Mohammed Bin Salman speaks as we know him ,and I challenged him to expose Allaah's caliph Al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani as this is a global chance to expose Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani if they were truthful that he is not Allaah's caliph on the whole world. But far is that from being the truth! I swear by Lord of the earth and heavens that Allaah will achieve His purpose but most people do not know

O my beloved righteous forerunner supporters, publish this challenge as hard as you can owing to the staged series of handing over the 2022 Saudi Cup for horse racing ,as they call it, before the hands of the Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman. I swear by Allaah that the owner of the Cup, Saud Bin Salman Bin Abdul Aziz, knows with knowledge of certainty that his brother Mohammed Bin Salman is still in clinical death, and that what they have done is just a staged performance to distract people for a time in the hope that the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman wakes up from the clinical death but far is that from happening!

I swear by Lord of the earth and heavens, that Arab and Non-Arab physicians cannot wake the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman from clinical death, but let them (House of Salman) release all my supporters from the prisons of KSA all at once, and dignify and honour them before the eyes of the worlds. Also, testify against themselves of vicious aggression against the supporters of Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani, then they ask them before the eyes of the worlds to forgive Mohammed Bin Salman for the sake of Allaah Lord of the worlds; hence Allaah ,Exalted is He, forgives him in accordance with His attribute, as He is the Best of Forgivers. This is advice for the House of Salman before a calamity occurs and I swear by Allaah it would not benefit them if they cried blood instead of tears , and the Saudi Crown Prince will not survive clinical death until they do what they are ordered to do, and I am bearing witness to Allaah and sufficient is He as a witness before a calamity hits them altogether due to turning people away from believing the admonition and lesson which are a sign for the worlds; although Allaah did not strike down Mohammed Bin Salman because of his evil thought of plotting against Allaah's caliph Al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani through targeting the 3 cars of the procession of Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani with 3 missiles from an aircraft.

To illustrate, Mohammed Bin Salman wanted to evilly plot using 3 missiles from his aircraft to target the procession of Allaah's caliph Al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani and by a missile for each car and this is a plot from him to guarantee the death of Allaah's caliph on the whole world Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani. And they worked out their plot and whatever they plot is before Allah, even though their plot is such as would move the mountains, but Allaah is more Swift in planning and He is the best of those who Plan. And let the whole world witness this story as it is a sign, and the whole world must know it thoroughly along with the statements of the challenge with truth from Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani to Mohammed Bin Salman beforehand, so let them read to believe the counter-planning from Lord of the worlds on actual reality to protect His caliph by the Word "be" so it is in sooner than a blink of an eye, because Allaah is swifter in planning and accounting. And how would they have the audacity to dare Allaah's caliph Al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani?! Indeed, I am still saying to the whole world: "What is your thought about Whom Allaah is with him?"

O the devil Vladimir Putin, peer of Trump, shall I inform you about the worst enemy of yours and your devil peer Trump, and the enemy of those who earned Allaah's anger from the devils of jinn and mankind? I swear by Allaah who there is no God worthy to be worshipped with truth but him that it is Allaah's caliph Al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani and I am indeed the most dangerous enemy of all human and jinn devils. Verily, your appointed time in the Book Inscribed has come, so O the evilest Trump and his peer the Russian President Vladimir Putin If you have any plots against Me, try them now! May Allaah curse you for your disbelief along with all your supporters of human devils who cause corruption on the earth. And may Allaah curse whoever does not give up supporting you among non-Arabs and Arabs as they will find no one besides Allaah to protect or help them

And Al-Azefah (Arabic) has neared, and you are in the year of the beginning of major incidents. And the grip has been tightened on the global scene that perhaps you may know that Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani does not -by Allaah's permission- do injustice to anyone through falsehood and slander because Allaah would never Choose an unjust caliph for Him on earth but a fair caliph of a decisive word that is not to be taken for amusement

Furthermore, how many times did I warn people of the plot of human devils, the worst enemies of humanity in whose hearts there is not an atom's weight of mercy? Those are the worst enemies of the world who do injustice to human rights and want to put out the light of Allaah, the mercy to the worlds, but far is that from happening and Allaah rejects everything short of making His light perfect, no matter how the wrongdoers may hate his manifestation

Peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allaah Lord of the worlds
Allaah's caliph on the whole world Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani

Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani

(According to the official time of Mecca Mother of Towns)
時間:2022-03-08 14:51
今天是婦女節,在這個重要的日子,我和 林淑芬 、 吳玉琴、 范雲 FAN, Yun委員,以及民間團體一起召開記者會,推動「親職假」。 我這個年紀非常多同學和同儕,大家聚再一起討論的話題就是什麼時候要抽公托,交流公托的各種話題。最近我的辦公室同事生了小孩,當了媽媽,聽她分享,我才知道原來照顧小孩真的不是很容易的事情,要面對臨時的狀況真的是非常多。… 更多 如果這些要處理臨時狀況的需求,沒有一個完善的制度可以去支持的話,其實每一天都會過得很累很緊張,都會時常有想離職的念頭。 🔺育嬰假缺乏彈性,臨時狀況還需要彈性的親職假補足
這次學者與團體做了非常扎實的研究,研發出了這個可以解決問題的「親職假」,把這個假的機制和相關配套,在方方面面都想得相當周全。其實「並沒有」增加雇主相關的成本。但我也有同意,這並不只是勞動部單一部會要解決的問題而已,也包括一些產業部門,要共同要求產業往這個共同的目標來走。 這次也感謝林淑芬委員協助提出民間版的草案,我也參與共提!
希望在現有的育嬰留職停薪制度之外,創設新的假別與津貼。也就是「親職假」與「親職假津貼」。 🔺「親職假」是「育嬰留職停薪」的再進化:
也是給爸爸媽媽們多一個請假的選擇,看是要請較有彈性的「親職假」,還是比較長比較完整的「育嬰留職停薪」,這兩種假都可以給假合併計算,共用6個月津貼給付。 🔺一起創造友善養育孩子的環境
這次托育政策催生聯盟也訪談了很多爸媽,像是有爸爸就說,現在假不夠的狀況,讓他常常都要趕時間送小孩上下課,「曾經接小孩太趕出車禍」。 我們真的都不希望讓這些願意為台灣生養小孩的父母,去面臨這麼窘迫的狀況,所以這個修法是有必要的,也請大家能夠一起支持。
Mohammed Bin Salman is Still Experiencing Clinical Death

May Allaah's peace be upon whoever is searching for the truth in the whole world. And I give you a ruling with truth and Allaah is witnessing from the top of his heaven that his Royal Highness the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman is experiencing clinical death, and they will never be able to turn my supporters away by dramatic performances until Mohammed Bin Salman speaks as we know him ,and I challenged him to expose Allaah's caliph Al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani as this is a global chance to expose Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani if they were truthful that he is not Allaah's caliph on the whole world. But far is that from being the truth! I swear by Lord of the earth and heavens that Allaah will achieve His purpose but most people do not know

O my beloved righteous forerunner supporters, publish this challenge as hard as you can owing to the staged series of handing over the 2022 Saudi Cup for horse racing ,as they call it, before the hands of the Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman. I swear by Allaah that the owner of the Cup, Saud Bin Salman Bin Abdul Aziz, knows with knowledge of certainty that his brother Mohammed Bin Salman is still in clinical death, and that what they have done is just a staged performance to distract people for a time in the hope that the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman wakes up from the clinical death but far is that from happening!

I swear by Lord of the earth and heavens, that Arab and Non-Arab physicians cannot wake the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman from clinical death, but let them (House of Salman) release all my supporters from the prisons of KSA all at once, and dignify and honour them before the eyes of the worlds. Also, testify against themselves of vicious aggression against the supporters of Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani, then they ask them before the eyes of the worlds to forgive Mohammed Bin Salman for the sake of Allaah Lord of the worlds; hence Allaah ,Exalted is He, forgives him in accordance with His attribute, as He is the Best of Forgivers. This is advice for the House of Salman before a calamity occurs and I swear by Allaah it would not benefit them if they cried blood instead of tears , and the Saudi Crown Prince will not survive clinical death until they do what they are ordered to do, and I am bearing witness to Allaah and sufficient is He as a witness before a calamity hits them altogether due to turning people away from believing the admonition and lesson which are a sign for the worlds; although Allaah did not strike down Mohammed Bin Salman because of his evil thought of plotting against Allaah's caliph Al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani through targeting the 3 cars of the procession of Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani with 3 missiles from an aircraft.

To illustrate, Mohammed Bin Salman wanted to evilly plot using 3 missiles from his aircraft to target the procession of Allaah's caliph Al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani and by a missile for each car and this is a plot from him to guarantee the death of Allaah's caliph on the whole world Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani. And they worked out their plot and whatever they plot is before Allah, even though their plot is such as would move the mountains, but Allaah is more Swift in planning and He is the best of those who Plan. And let the whole world witness this story as it is a sign, and the whole world must know it thoroughly along with the statements of the challenge with truth from Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani to Mohammed Bin Salman beforehand, so let them read to believe the counter-planning from Lord of the worlds on actual reality to protect His caliph by the Word "be" so it is in sooner than a blink of an eye, because Allaah is swifter in planning and accounting. And how would they have the audacity to dare Allaah's caliph Al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani?! Indeed, I am still saying to the whole world: "What is your thought about Whom Allaah is with him?"

O the devil Vladimir Putin, peer of Trump, shall I inform you about the worst enemy of yours and your devil peer Trump, and the enemy of those who earned Allaah's anger from the devils of jinn and mankind? I swear by Allaah who there is no God worthy to be worshipped with truth but him that it is Allaah's caliph Al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani and I am indeed the most dangerous enemy of all human and jinn devils. Verily, your appointed time in the Book Inscribed has come, so O the evilest Trump and his peer the Russian President Vladimir Putin If you have any plots against Me, try them now! May Allaah curse you for your disbelief along with all your supporters of human devils who cause corruption on the earth. And may Allaah curse whoever does not give up supporting you among non-Arabs and Arabs as they will find no one besides Allaah to protect or help them

And Al-Azefah (Arabic) has neared, and you are in the year of the beginning of major incidents. And the grip has been tightened on the global scene that perhaps you may know that Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani does not -by Allaah's permission- do injustice to anyone through falsehood and slander because Allaah would never Choose an unjust caliph for Him on earth but a fair caliph of a decisive word that is not to be taken for amusement

Furthermore, how many times did I warn people of the plot of human devils, the worst enemies of humanity in whose hearts there is not an atom's weight of mercy? Those are the worst enemies of the world who do injustice to human rights and want to put out the light of Allaah, the mercy to the worlds, but far is that from happening and Allaah rejects everything short of making His light perfect, no matter how the wrongdoers may hate his manifestation

Peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allaah Lord of the worlds
Allaah's caliph on the whole world Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani

Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani

(According to the official time of Mecca Mother of Towns)