Month: 2016-11

文章 留言
時間:2016-11-03 17:14
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2016年11月3日上午9:14 · 傳統玉器製作的重鎮蘇州、揚州,在晚清時期已逐漸沒落,取而代之的是北京、廣東民間玉作的活絡,製作的玉器多是吉祥主題,且常與各色寶石、琺瑯、金器相搭配,展現富貴喜氣的趣味;像是這件【玉嵌寶石福壽如意】,以如意柄、碧玉首、瑪瑙、碧璽、青金石、綠松石鑲嵌出寓意「福壽長春」的吉祥圖案,裝飾與商業的意味濃厚。
PS: 如意的首和如意柄上都有可愛的小猴子,各位看倌看見了嗎?
  Traditional jade towns… 更多 such as Suzhou and Yangzhou lost their luster in late Qing. Meanwhile, thriving private workshops emerged in Beijing and Guangdong, producing jade works mostly with auspicious motifs and often set with gemstones, enamels, and/or gold for an aura of secular fortune and felicity, as shown in the white jade ruyi inlaid with jadeite, agate, tourmaline, lapis lazuli, and turquoise of longevity patterns, i.e. typical products of ornamentation and commercialism.… 更多