Month: 2019-04

文章 留言
時間:2019-04-03 21:00
【用行動帶來希望─賴清德的決策風格】 繼《看見未來》後,第二本紀錄我在台南市長任內的治理經驗與實踐新政的作為,其中也增加部分篇幅寫出擔任行政院長期間,從地方到中央的挑戰。 ▶《用行動帶來希望──賴清德的決策風格》
🛒誠 品:
🛒博客來: 天下文化

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On the 26th March, a sculpture titled “The World Turned Upside Down”, portraying a globe turned upside down, was erected on campus of the London School of Economics (hereinafter referred to as LSE). Originally, Taiwan was marked on it as an independent country, with the name “Rep. China (Taiwan)” and a distinct colour scheme than China’s, and Taipei was marked as the capital. Regrettably, under the pressure of some Chinese students, LSE requested the artist of the sculpture to remove the name “Rep. China (Taiwan)”, and to present Taiwan as if it were a part of the People’s Republic of China. We, a group of Taiwanese citizens in London, have no choice but to protest against such decision by the LSE. LSE must withdraw its decision on changing the original designation of Taiwan on this piece of artwork, and should join the rest of the world in the defence of freedom, democracy and human rights.