Month: 2016-10

文章 留言
時間:2016-10-20 17:43
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2016年10月20日上午9:43 · 乾隆皇帝對玉的極度偏好和熱衷,成了當時玉器文化蓬勃發展的重要原因,也因為玉的贊助者是帝王,所以清代玉器風格受到皇家禮儀與皇帝品味的約制,而要了解乾隆皇帝的喜好,檢視刻有「乾隆御用」款的玉器應該是最佳的捷徑;像是這件【玉盃】的盃底就刻有「乾隆御用」隸款,而研究者們也從風格與外觀中推測,這類型的玉器顯示乾隆皇帝的玉器品味偏重古樸與文雅。
  As emperors were always the key patrons,… 更多 their personal preferences and imperial etiquettes therefore dicated the reigning mode. The robust development of jade carving was in fact driven by the avid jade-lover Emperor Qianlong. His tastes could be best understood by reviewing palace jades inscribed “For Qianlong`s Imperial Use”, were actuallyuised by him. The example showed that he favored elegance and archaism.
【清 乾隆 玉盃】
Permanent Exhibit: Art in Quest of Heaven… 更多