Month: 2013-08

文章 留言
時間:2013-08-16 00:14

移民署服務行動列車下鄉 新住民說讚

2013-08-15 彰視新聞 記者:王瀚增 鹿港報導 移民署結合彰化縣的田中、二水、鹿港以及彰化市的戶政事務所,定期推出服務行動列車的服務,對象就是來台的新住民,副署長也親自到鹿港來視察,因為彰化縣的移民署服務站是設在員林鎮,讓離員林比較遠的新住民要申請文件必須花時間前往,如今移民數推出服務行動列車,讓新住民都...
how i wish someone will help me to adjust in this new… 更多 environment. i want to live normally like i was before. i want to go to work but i don't know how to commute.we have the car but i don't know how to drive.. i hope i can learn fast. i dream to be an English/ Filipino translator or even an English tutor/teacher. :)
時間:2013-08-16 08:51
FB推薦職缺: 1.職務名稱:菲律賓語翻譯(舍監)
網址: 2.職務名稱:菲語助理(舍監)
網址: 3.職務名稱:機械操作人員
i'm glad to see these advertisements. how i wish i can try. i… 更多 know that this will be the best job that suits for my ability and interest but due to transport incovenience, I can't continue my dream. I'm so willing to learn and adjust in this new land as soon as possible but no one help me to do so. :(