Month: 2016-09

文章 留言
時間:2016-09-07 16:18
每次坐飛機,你心中有沒有一個疑問,為什麼起降時空服員都會請旅客將窗戶打開呢? 原因是飛機起飛後的6分鐘和降落前的7分鐘被稱為「黑色13分」,這段期間是飛航中最危險的階段,萬一發生事故時,旅客在當下就可以清楚知道客艙外面的狀況,所以空服員才會在起降時要求每一位坐在窗邊的旅客協助把遮陽板拉起喔!… 更多
#桃園機場 #飛航小知識 #黑色13分 #起降時窗戶打開
(圖片經Shutterstock授權使用) Every time when you’re on board the airplane, do you have a question about why flight attendants ask to lift up window shades during takeoff and landing?
There is a statement called “terrible 13 minutes”, including 6 minutes after takeoff and 7 minutes before landing, the most prone to accidents. When the window shades are open, flight attendants can easily see outside conditions. If anything goes wrong they can evacuate quickly. Emergency personnel outside can also see what happens inside. That’s the reason why passengers are asked to keep all window shades open during takeoff and landing.
#Taoyuanairport #FlightKnowledge #terrible13minutes
(photo credit:Shutterstock)
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