Month: 2019-03

文章 留言
時間:2019-03-18 07:30
3/24、3/25敦睦艦隊來到基隆,參觀的朋友可以在磐石艦的文宣館領取 #精美小禮物,活動詳細內容請參閱中華民國海軍艦隊Republic Of China Naval Fleet粉絲專頁。 #海軍敦睦艦隊
分享 中華民國海軍艦隊Republic Of China Naval Fleet
*********************************************<br> 🔱最終站!!! 3/31、4/1 我們花蓮見 🔱 <br> *********************************************<br> 按讚👍+分享💞+tag👤👤👤 = 精美紀念品🎉<br> ⚓⚓⚓⚓⚓⚓⚓⚓⚓⚓⚓⚓⚓⚓⚓⚓ 🎁敦睦艦隊來了🎁<br> 千呼萬喚!敦睦艦隊國內航訓即將開始!!!… 更多<br> 為了艦隊臉書粉絲們的福利,凡開放參觀期間完成:<br> 1、至本粉絲專頁按讚<br> 2、分享本活動並設定公開<br> 3、tag三位您的好友,快來參觀敦睦艦隊! 即可於國內航訓期間到各開放港口,至磐石軍艦文宣館的服務臺領取限量精美小紀念品!😁😁😁 🔱The Midshipmen Cruising & Training Squadron is coming!<br> The long-awaited domestic sailing training is about to start, in order to thank you for your consistent support, the Republic of China Naval Fleet Facebook Page will provide free gifts for those who follow the following instructions:<br> 1. Click Like button on our Facebook Page.👍<br> 2. Share this activity on Facebook and make the post public.📢<br> 3. Tag three of your friends and invite them to visit the MCTS. 👏👏👏👏👏 🎉🎉🎉Once you complete all the instructions, you are welcome to come to all the opening ports during the domestic sailing training and get the free delicate gift🎁 we offer at the exhibition area of Panshi Fast Combat Support Ship(AOE-532).😁😁😁 #2019MCTS