Month: 2017-08

文章 留言
時間:2017-08-26 19:00
科技部將2017年稱為人工智慧(AI)元年,啟動『AI Edge半導體射月計畫』!所謂「半導體射月計畫」即在未來四年,推動智慧終端半導體製程與晶片系統相關研發,預計每年投入10億元的經費,共計40億經費。以半導體協會為對接窗口,相關AI半導體人才培育,可向科技部申請計畫。希冀藉由『AI Edge半導體射月計畫』的推波助瀾,鏈結智慧終端產學研能量,以帶領臺灣迎接AI應用爆發的年代,創造臺灣新價值。相關資訊請參考科技部網站。
整合人工智慧/進階深度學習 +… 更多 數位微流道(digital microfluidic) + lab on chip(LOC 實驗室晶片) 來達到 automation potential drug/drug compound discovery + test + verification + validation
Idea is to discover several potential drugs and automated the whole test and verification process before animal study.
It takes an average of 12 years for a drug to travel from the research lab to the patient. In addition, only
five in 5,000, or 10%, of the drugs that begin preclinical testing ever make it to human testing. Only one of
these five is ever approved for human usage.
此系統的目標是可以砍到八年以下甚至 六年以下, 然後把10%可以進入到人體測試提高到15%甚至20%就好.
時間:2017-08-29 19:00
◎報名時間:即日起至106年09月02日(星期六)止… 更多
◎活動日期:106年09月07日(四) 9:00-16:30
◎活動地點:國家高速網路與計算中心1樓國際會議廳 (新竹市研發六路7號)
整合人工智慧/進階深度學習 + 可程式化數位微流道(programmable digital microfluidic) +… 更多 lab on chip(LOC 實驗室晶片, digital microfluidic biochip) 來達到 automation potential drug/drug compound discovery + test + verification + validation
Idea is to discover several potential drugs and automated the whole test and verification process before animal study.
It takes an average of 12 years for a drug to travel from the research lab to the patient. In addition, only
five in 5,000, or 0.1%~10%, of the drugs that begin preclinical testing ever make it to human testing. Only one of these five is ever approved for human usage.
此系統的目標是可以砍到八年以下甚至 六年以下, 然後把10%可以進入到人體測試提高到15%甚至20%就好.

以AI/DeepLearning 為前驅,建議若干compound/drug 然後直接用Programmable Digital Microfluidic Array 做所有的 test, validation, verification before Animal study

應該也可以應用在 therapeutic antibody
時間:2017-08-31 13:04
敝人想請問國衛院,中研院, 工研院,科技部或國發會願不願意投資這項前瞻計畫?
整合人工智慧/進階深度學習 +… 更多 可程式化數位微流道(programmable digital microfluidic) + lab on chip(LOC 實驗室晶片, digital microfluidic biochip) 來達到 automation potential drug/drug compound discovery + test + verification + validation
Idea is to discover several potential drugs and automated the whole test and verification process before animal study.
It takes an average of 12 years for a drug to travel from the research lab to the patient. In addition, only
five in 5,000, or 0.1%~10%, of the drugs that begin preclinical testing ever make it to human testing. Only one of these five is ever approved for human usage.
此系統的目標是可以砍到八年以下甚至 六年以下, 然後把10%可以進入到人體測試提高到15%甚至20%就好.
以AI/DeepLearning 為前驅,建議若干compound/drug 然後直接用Programmable Digital Microfluidic Array 做所有的 test, validation, verification before Animal study
應該也可以應用在 therapeutic antibody
時間:2017-08-31 19:00
為培育臺灣高階科技創新創業人才,引領臺灣高品質人才連結未來世界,並建立我國創新平臺,科技部推動106年度第2梯次「博士創新之星計畫(LEAP Program)」,選派具創新創業企圖心之博士級人才赴美國、法國及以色列等企業、新創公司以及知名學研機構進行專案合作研習6-12個月。希望藉此開拓我國高階人才之能力與創新思維,並透過參與當地創新創業或相關社群活動,建立我國與海外創新資源之連結,期於返臺後能對臺灣產業或學研界有所貢獻。
整合人工智慧/進階深度學習 +… 更多 可程式化數位微流道(programmable digital microfluidic) + lab on chip(LOC 實驗室晶片, digital microfluidic biochip) 來達到 automation potential drug/drug compound discovery + test + verification + validation
Idea is to discover several potential drugs and automated the whole test and verification process before animal study.
It takes an average of 12 years for a drug to travel from the research lab to the patient. In addition, only
five in 5,000, or 0.1%~10%, of the drugs that begin preclinical testing ever make it to human testing. Only one of these five is ever approved for human usage.
此系統的目標是可以砍到八年以下甚至 六年以下, 然後把10%可以進入到人體測試提高到15%甚至20%就好.
以AI/DeepLearning 為前驅,建議若干compound/drug 然後直接用Programmable Digital Microfluidic Array 做所有的 test, validation, verification before Animal study
應該也可以應用在 therapeutic antibody