Month: 2020-08

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時間:2020-08-12 13:50
【政策簡單說】APEC Cross-Sector Innovation Ecosystem Conference 13:30-14:40 Cross-Industry Spotlight I
Navigating the Industry Disruption & Business Transformation through Collaborative Innovation Moderator
Dr.… 更多 Hung-Chih Lai, Chief Strategy Officer, Center of Innovation and Synergy for Intelligent Home and Living Technology, National Taiwan University. Panelists
Ms. Vivian Chiang, COO, BlueX
Mr. Yeh-Hsun Wang, Chairman, Creative Tech Textile
Mr. Brian Lin, CEO, O+SmartTech
Mr. Leo Peng, Assistance General Manager, He Qing Industry ===================
14:40-15:50 Cross-Industry Spotlight II
Boosting Operational Efficiency and Market Growth with Value-Added Technology Moderator
Mr. Wei-Chao Chen,… 更多